Hydrogen Engine Carbon Clean

Is your car running poorly at the moment? Are you experiencing rough idling, cutting out or even a noisy engine, catalytic converter or turbo, OR your engine just maybe feeling sluggish!!
Our Hydrogen Engine Carbon Clean machine has been manufactured in France and delivers exceptional results on your car engine parts where carbon builds up & causes your engine to wear & run poorly.

A detox of your engine
You may have had a problem with your car and been told that you need to replace some expensive parts like a catalytic converter, spark plugs, EGR Valves, Cylinder Head, Intake Manifold, Injectors, Valves, Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) & Turbo Chargers.
Before you go ahead with an expensive repair, we strongly recommend you try a Hydrogen Engine Carbon Clean first. To explain it in a simplistic way it is a detox of your engine.
This is not just a clean it is a powerful clean or detox that removes the carbon build up & the best part is Engine parts are not removed, the clean takes approximately 1 hour to complete and remove the carbon buildup then we drive the car for approximately 25 mins to complete the process.
This is advanced technology and we are thrilled to have this product. The power of this machine is exceptional & you will save money in the long run. It will make your engine feel and function so much better.
Your catalytic converter, spark plugs, EGR Valves, Intake Manifolds, Injectors, Valves, Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) & Turbo Chargers will never feel better & you will feel like you are driving a new car.
We have undertaken the carbon clean service on customer’s cars that had some serious issues with Diesel Particulate Filters & they were steering down the barrel of an expensive repair, our own company vehicles have all had a carbon clean and we as well as our customers are thrilled with the results.
Also suitable for Marine any two or four stroke engine so we can sort your boat as well. Your boat is a little harder to take somewhere so let our Mobile service come to you or feel free to pop into our Penrose/Onehunga Service & Diagnosis Centre & feel the difference.